Federation of German Wholesale, Foreign Trade and Services (BGA)
Am Weidendamm 1 A
10117 Berlin
Phone:: 030/ 59 00 99 5-0
Fax: 030/ 59 00 99 5 19
Homepage: www.bga.de
E-Mail: info(at)bga.de
Represented by the Presidium/Presidential Board:
Anton F. Börner
Stefan W. Dircks
Hans-Peter Flinks
Ines Kitzing
Jan Krückemeyer
Sebastian Lazay
Christoph Leicher
Dr. Wilhelm von Moers
Registry of Associations: Local Court of Charlottenburg
Registry number: 20646NZ
Design, layout and programming
Frank Hellenkamp
Solmstraße 7
10961 Berlin
Tel +49 30 49 78 20 70
Technical support
Centrit Solutions GmbH
Matthias-Claudius-Str. 15
41564 Kaarst
Phone.: 02131 - 739872-0
Fax: 02131 - 739872-99
Homepage: www.centrit.de
E-Mail: kontakt(at)centrit.de
Picture credits
Annett Melzer
Elbstraße 13
29456 Hitzacker
Phone: 0173 9335002
E-mail: anemel(at)t-online.de
Home | © fotolia: Mikael Damkier, INFINITY, kalafoto, jcg_oida, S K, Mikalai Bachkou, gui yong nian, psdesign1, SOME via THING, ARTENS (In focus), fotomek (In focus), DPI (In focus), fotolia: Kadmy (In focus), Shutterstock: Wojtek Chmielewski,
Press | © fotolia: Mihai Simonia, beeboys, maxsim, Sergey Nivens
In focus | @ fotolia: Marco2811
Federal Trade Associations | © GDE | SHAPING COMMUNICATION
BGA memberships and cooperation | © fotolia: SanGeroIPD
Import Promotion Desk | © IPD Import Promotion Desk
BGA committees, commissions and working groups |© Lars Langemeier
Our topics | fotolia ©: Željko Radojko, industrieblick, ARTENS, opolja, Tiberius Gracchus, Rawpixel.com, hiphoto39, njr_2011, electriceye, pit24, chungking, mmmx, okanakdeniz, Jürgen Fälchle, FotolEdhar, Stockr, lassedesignen, alphaspirit, yanlev
BGA | © GDE | KOMMUNIKATION GESTALTEN, pressmaster, Paylessimages
Mission | © GDE | KOMMUNIKATION GESTALTEN | fotolia ©: gui yong nian, pit24
Infomedia | © GDE | KOMMUNIKATION GESTALTEN | fotolia ©: DeshaCAM
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